Monday, November 7, 2016



I.           DEFINITION

  BASIC SOCIAL SCIENCE  is knowledge that examined social problems in a society that is expected to provide basic knowledge and common understanding of concepts that developed to study the problems of human by using a lot of sense (facts, concepts, theories) coming from various fields of expertise in the field of main basic social sciences such as economicspolitical sciencehuman geographydemographypsychology and sociology. In a wider sense, social science also includes some fields in the humanities[1] such as anthropologyarchaeologyjurisprudencehistory, and linguistics.

(Source: Wikipedia)

II.           OBJECTIVE

As one of basic knowledge, basic social science has the objective of learning, as :
A.) Comprehend and realize of their social realities and social problems that exist in society.
B.) Sensitive about social issues and responsive to participate in efforts to mitigate social issues.
C.) Be aware that any social problems that arise in society are always complex and can only be solved by learn critically-interdisciplinary.
D.) Understand the way of thinking of experts from other fields of science and can communicate with them in the context of mitigate the social problems that arise in the community.


III.           SCOPE
The scope of basic social science can be differentiated into three parts:
1. The fact - the social reality in a society that together constitute a particular social problem.
2. Concept - social concept or understanding of reality - a social reality that is limited to the basic or elementary concept that is in need to study the issue - social issues are discussed in the basic social sciences. As an example of such basic concepts including the concept of "diversity" and the concept of "social unity". Based on the two concepts mentioned above, then we can understand and realize that in society there will always be:

Similarities and differences in patterns of thought and behavior patterns, either individually or in groups.

Equality and diversity of interests. Similarities and differences that led to the frequent occurrence of discord, jealousy, cooperation, solidarity between individuals and groups.

3. Problems - social issues that arise in the community, usually involved in various keyataan - social realities with each other interrelated
Basic social sciences base consists of eight subjects, on the eighth of the subject, the scope of the Social Science Basic lectures is expected to understand and learn about their:
A.) Various problems of population in relation to the development of society and culture.
B.) Problems of individuals, families and communities.
C.) Youth and her social problems.
D.) The relationship between the citizen and the state
E.) The problem of social stratification and equality
F.) Problems of urban communities and rural communities
G.) Contentious issues - social conflict and integration
H.) Use of science and technology for the prosperity and welfare of society

In life, people's status as social beings, humans are always faced with various social problems. Social problems are actually a part that can not be separated from human life because of social problems have materialized as a result of human culture itself, as a result of the relationship with other human beings. Social problems arise due to the significant difference between the values ​​in society with the existing reality. Which can be a source of social problems that such a process of social and natural disasters. The existence of social problems in society set by the institution which has special authority such as community leaders, government, social organizations, and others.

Basic social problems can be categorized into 4 types, among others:
- Economic factors: poverty, unemployment,  etc.
- Cultural factors: divorce, promiscuity, etc.
- Biological factors: food poisoning, disease  transmission, etc.
- Psychological factors: psychiatric  disorders, cult, etc.
Social problems is a condition in certain circumstances in the social life of people who are the result of the process of human life with other humans who are trying to make ends meet. Basic social science presents an understanding of human nature as social beings and the problem with using a framework approach.


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