ARCASIA STUDENT JAMBOREE is an annual architecture student of asia conference. In 2016, it was held in Hongkong and Brought theme of "Growth and Diversity : The Green Age of Asia". Consists of 180 students in every country in Asia, such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Then, they were grouping in 18 groups that every single group is form from different countries. It hoped every students can share and exchange ideas with another student from different countries.
During 5 days in Hongkong, ARCASIA Student Jamboree participant must following program schedule, as :

During in Hongkong, they were using many venues like:

Highlight video of Student Jamboree during in Hongkong:
(Source : ARCASIA Student Jamboree presentation by Nadia Raihani as ARCASIA Student Jamboree 2016 participant at Architecture Chapter on Indonesia Konstruksi 2016)
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