Wednesday, December 28, 2016


ARCASIA STUDENT JAMBOREE is an annual architecture student of asia conference. In 2016, it was held in Hongkong and Brought theme of "Growth and Diversity : The Green Age of Asia". Consists of 180 students in every country in Asia, such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Then, they were grouping in 18 groups that every single group is form from different countries. It hoped every students can share and exchange ideas with another student from different countries. 

Indonesia had sent 36 delegates from many universities such as University of Indonesia (Depok), Bina Nusantara University (Jakarta), Parahyangan Catholic University (Bandung), Education University of Indonesia (Bandung), National Institute of Technology (Bandung), National Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesian Islamic University (Yogyakarta), Syah Kuala University (Banda Aceh), Brawijaya University (Malang), Malikussaleh University (Aceh), Udayana University (Bali), etc.
During 5 days in Hongkong, ARCASIA Student Jamboree participant must following program schedule, as :

In site visit session, they were going to many place, like: 

During in Hongkong, they were using many venues like:

Highlight video of Student Jamboree during in Hongkong:


(Source : ARCASIA Student Jamboree presentation by Nadia Raihani as ARCASIA Student Jamboree 2016 participant at Architecture Chapter on Indonesia Konstruksi 2016)



ARCHITECT REGIONAL COUNCIL ASIA (ARCASIA) is an association of professional architects throughout asia. An association  of professional architects Indonesia regionally in Asia. Released in 1967 in New Delhi, India. began formed in 1970, be unveiled as ARCASIA in 1979 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia pioneered as Observer since 1970. ARCASIA now consists of 19 professional associations of architects from various Asian countries, including IAI from Indonesia.

ARCASIA Membership is divided into three zones, namely Zone A, B, & C. Indonesia joined in Zone B with Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippine, and Vietnam. The management of the organization called the Office Bearer (OB), consisting of personnel from various countries. OB convene periodically in various countries.
Member of ARCASIA
Country Zones
ARCASIA has 5 Committee as follows:
A. ACAE (ARCASIA Committee on Architectural Education = architectural education committee)
B. ACPP (ARCASIA Committee on Professional Practice = professional practice committee)
C. ACGSA (ARCASIA Committee on Green & Sustainable Architecture = green & sustainable architecture committee)
D. ACSR (ARCASIA Committee on Social Responsibility = social responsibility committee)
E. ACYA (ARCASIA Committee on Young Architects = committee of young architects)

and then, ARCASIA has two main activities:

- ARCASIA Forum, held in odd-numbered years.
- ARCASIA Congress, held in even-numbered years.

In ARCASIA it held the principal events as follows:
- ARCASIA Meetings, consisting of OB Meeting (core committee meeting), Council Meeting (plenum), Committee Meetings (meetings of committees).
- Asian Congress of Architects (large seminar), held in even-numbered years only.
- Student Jamboree (Jamboree students of architecture), held in even-numbered years only.
ARCASIA Main activities as, Forum in 2015 and Congress in 2016. 

Implementation of ARCASIA Forum and Congress done alternately, through the process of selecting host democratically.

In addition to the main event, ARCASIA also often hold additional events, for example:
- Student Design Competition
- Travel Prize

Indonesia (IAI) ever held elected ARCASIA Congress & Student Jamboree in 2012, held in Bali.
ARCASIA Congress 2012, Bali, Indonesia.
ARCASIA Student Jamboree 2012, Bali, Indoensia.

(Source : ARCASIA Presentation by Gede Arista, ST., MM. IAI AA at Architecture Chapter on Konstruksi Indonesia 2016)

Thursday, December 15, 2016



Basic social sciences giving on college university, while Social Sciences giving in primary school and significant school.

Basic social science is a single course subject while Social Sciences is a group lessons from many subject (for a review of the advanced school).

Basic Social Sciences directed to shape attitude and personality, while Social Sciences showed to the establish knowledge and intellectual skills.

        Both are preparing material review for Education Program.

        Both disciplines are not growing self.

        Both have a material consisting of social reality and social problems.

Sunday, December 4, 2016



STRUCTURE & ARCHITECTURAL OF HIGH RISE BUILDING is a seminar who the speaker discuss about definition, characteristic, and sharing experiences to build structure and architecture of high rise building and also explain about project of DEX area and building on Gunadarma University. The seminar is held on Tuesday, 8 November, 2016 by BEM FTSP Gunadarma at D462 Auditorium, Gunadarma University, Depok. The speakers are Adjie Negara. ST., MAUD (Principals Architect of PT. Kind Indonesia) and Ir. Heri Atmoko (Senior Project Manager of PT. Greenland Rajawali Utama), the both of them are architect and structure specialist who build for DEX area and building on Gunadarma University at St. Margonda, Depok. 

Adjie Negara S.T, MAUD
(Principal Architect 
of PT. KIND Indonesia)

Ir. Heri Atmoko 
(Senior Project Manager
of PT. Greenland Rajawali Utama)

Adjie Negara Architect explain Dex building and area use long spans area and high rise building which the height is 60 - 70 meters. The interior is designing by self. In Dex, we can learn many typology such as classroom, office, sport building on the the top of Dex, parking building, and auditorium in the front. In fact, DEX Area and Building are more designing and built by alumni of Gunadarma University.              

DEX Gunadarma University, Depok.

Back to the topic, "Why high rise building?" because in Jakarta, especially Depok, the population is always growing up but the land isn't increasing, that causes the price of land per meter be more expensive now. Imagine if 1000 M2 build high rise building, so it can be accommodate up to 500 - 1000 family rather than build individual house that just can be accommodate half even quarter of high rise building capacity, so the land price must be cheaper. From sustainable side, high rise building doesn't need more infrastructure such as access road, PDAM channel, electric channel, etc which location is developed instead of building individual houses that needs more infrastructure and far from the office area or downtown, except the ones that are already developed.

Adjie Negara says that buildings are separated to 4 types based on the height, low rise building which height is just up to 16 meters or 4 floors that the transportation utility system can only use stairs, for examples Balairung UI and Sriwijaya Mosque
Balairung UI, Depok.
Sriwijaya Mosque, Palembang.
And then mid rise building which height is up to 60 - 70 meters or 15 floors. Such as RSUD Jakarta Selatan and DEX Gunadarma University.
DEX Gunadarma University, Depok.
RSUD Jakarta Selatan
And there's high rise building which height is up to 160 meters or 40 floors, for examples PT. Menara Kadin Indonesia Tower. 
PT. Menara Kadin Indonesia, Jakarta.
The last one is super tall building which height is higher than high rise building (160 meters), like Wisma BNI 46 Tower in Jakarta which height is 262 meters, Burj Khalifa which height is 828 meters, then there's a plan to build Kingdom Tower which height will be up to 1000 meters.

Wisma BNI 46 Tower, Jakarta.
Burj Khalifa, Dubai.
Plan of The kingdom Tower, Arab Saudi.
(Source: Structure & Architectural Of High Rise Building seminar  & Google)

Friday, December 2, 2016



I.           DEFINITION

  SOCIAL SCIENCE  is a comprehensive, structured learning by increasing or connecting materials from various disciplines of social sciences and more with real life in the community, experience, problems, needs and projected to a future life, learning activities give priority to the active role of students through the process of inquiry learning. Learning not only give priority to knowledge alone, but is able to shape the character and skills that are useful in daily life.


II.           OBJECTIVE

The main objective of social science is to help youth generation develop his skills and knowledge rational decisions as citizens culturally diverse, democratic societies in the world are interdependent (NCSS, 2008: 2).

According Waterwroth, (2007: 5) Says that the purpose of social studies (IPS) is to prepare students to become good citizens in their life in society, where it is explicitly he says "to prepare students to be well-functioning citizens in a democratic society"


Thursday, December 1, 2016



Architecture Grand Festival is an annual architecture festival held by Himars Binus that consists of many event such as Exhibition, Seminar, Bazaar, TGA Awards, Performance, Talk-show, and International competition. In 2016, Architecture Grand Festival brings the theme of "Traditional Culture of Architecture" held at Theater Kecil, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta. The speakers are from Indonesia such as Raul Renanda, Budi Pradono, Yori Antar, Andrea Fitrianto, Afwina Kamal, Resha Khambali, Lim Masulin, Chrisye Octaviani, and Marcin Sapeta from Japan

I had come to these seminar on third day or last day of event. There are two talkshows on third day. In the first talkshow are from Lim Masulin (Byo Living) and Chrisye Octaviani (Bitte Design Studio) bring the theme of "Indonesian Craftmaship and Design". The content from Lim Masulin is how to use indonesian traditional material to modern architecture nowadays like using rattan for indoor or outdoor furniture, architecture finishes even structure of building. from Chrisye Octaviani is giving an example how to decorate abandoned building became an Asian Restaurant. Example is Gan Bei Restaurant, The façade is dominated by a pattern brick wall that separates the indoor and the outdoor area. There are a reception area with big mural painting on the brick wall, a dining area with an open kitchen, five VIP rooms, and semi outdoor bar. The design is inspired by an old authentic Asian restaurant ambiance with a touch of modernism. 
Byo Living -  The Wonders of Weaving

Bitte Design Studio -  Gan Bei, Hegarmanah, Bandung.

In the last talkshow, the speaker is Marcin Sapeta (Kengo Kuma Associates) from Japan , He brings theme of "The Effect of Japanese Culture In Modern Architecture". He explained that in Kengo Kuma, Wood is the main material to make a creation, because being environmentally friendly and easy to make any creation, like over 2000 batons wood line the interior of the shop, creating a diagonally woven lattice that spikes out beyond the recessed glass facade on Starbucks Coffee in Dazaifutenmangu Omotesando, Japan. 
Facade of Starbucks Coffee, Dazaifutenmangu Omotesando, Japan.

Details of Kengo Kuma's wood in Starbucks Coffee decoration.